Privacy and Cookies

Privacy and Cookies

Last updated 01/12/2018

This privacy notice describes how Dot Squared Technologies (‘we’, ‘us’) collects and processes personal information about you; how we use and protect this information, and your rights in relation to this information. This privacy notice applies to all personal information we collect about you. Personal information is information, or a combination of pieces of information that could reasonably allow you to be identified.

Information collected

We only collect your personal information when you provide it directly to us, for example when you contact us or when we provide services to you.  Certain personal information is required as a consequence of any contractual relationship we have with you to enable us to carry out our contractual obligations to you or your employer.  Failure to provide this information may prevent or delay the fulfillment of these obligations.

The categories of information that we may collect directly from you include the following:
  • personal details (e.g. first and last name);
  • contact details (e.g. phone number, email address, or mobile number);
  • employment details (e.g. job title; employer name).

How we use your personal information

We use your personal information to:
  • contact you whilst providing services to you;
  • ensure that our records are kept accurate and up to date;
  • ensure we issue accurate invoices for our services.

Legal basis for holding your personal information

We must have a legal basis to process your personal information. In most cases the legal basis will be one of the following:
  • to meet our legitimate interests so that: we are able to provide the services you request; our services function correctly in relation to your business; any complaints or concerns can be promptly relayed to you; we can respond to any questions or concerns you might have; we may carry out research and analysis to ensure products and services we offer are relevant to you, and; our records are kept up to date and accurate;
  • to fulfil our contractual obligations to you, for example to ensure that invoices are issued correctly, and for ensuring you are able to access our premises when required

Your rights in respect of your personal information

Please let us know if any of the personal information that we hold about you changes so that we can correct and update the information on our systems.  You can view, delete, correct or update the personal information you provide to us by contacting us.

In certain circumstances you may object to specific processing activities, require us to restrict how we process your personal information and ask us to share your personal information in a usable format with another company.  Where you have given your consent to a particular type of processing, you may withdraw that consent at any time.

To exercise any of the above rights, please contact us.

Information sharing

We do not share your personal information with third parties (other than service providers acting on our behalf) unless we have a lawful basis for doing so.  We use third party providers for some of our services, including electronic message delivery and payment processing. In cases where we need to share your personal information we will obtain your explicit consent.


Cookies are small text files placed on your device to store data that can be recalled by a web server in the domain that placed the cookie. This site uses cookies.  You have a variety of tools to control the data collected by cookies and similar technologies. For example, you can use controls in your internet browser to limit how the websites you visit are able to use cookies and to withdraw your consent by clearing or blocking cookies.

Changes to this notice

You may request a copy of this privacy notice from us using our contact form. We may modify or update this privacy notice from time to time. Changes and additions to this privacy notice are effective from the date on which they are posted.

Contact us

If you have questions or concerns regarding the way in which your personal information has been used, please contact us.

In cases where you wish to complain about how we have collected or processed your personal information, we are committed to providing you with a fair and timely resolution.  If, however, you believe that we have not been able to assist with your complaint or concern, you have the right to make a complaint to the data protection authority in Jersey using the details below.

Information Commissioner Jersey
Dot Squared Technologies is registered with the Jersey Office Of The Information Commissioner.  Our registration number is 63003.  If you have questions or concerns regarding the way in which your personal information has been used then you can contact the Information Commissioner using the following details.

Tel:        +44 (0)1534 716530

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